Learning Objectives Following the completion of this conference, attendees should be able to: 1. Recommend non-pharmaceutical/alternative methods to treat pain 2. Improve the recognition of PE and selection of appropriate response for the most optimal outcome 3. Identify and prioritize reduction and prevention of C. Diff infection. 4. Identify and prioritize potential treatments of C. Diff, including the use of Fecal Transplant. 5. know how to determine a six month prognosis 6. consider options for General Inpatient Hospice for a hospitalized patient 7. manage septic shock patients with hypotension that are poorly responsive to fluid replacement and vasopressors 8. know the appropriate patient for referral for bariatric surgery 9. know when to consult a Rheumatologist on inpatients with comorbid conditions know the medical indications for catheter use
VBMC Nurses must also submit RTA
Knowledge Resources, Vassar Brothers Medical Center | 45 Reade Place, Poughkeepsie, NY 12601 | Library: 845.437.3121 | vbmclibrary@health-quest.org | CME Inquiries: 845.483.6013 |