1st Annual ResusCon
Learning Objectives Following the completion of this conference, attendees should be able to: 1 - Consider the new roles for ultrasound in the resuscitation of the critical patient. 2 - Aggressively manage crashing patients using ECMO 3 - Consider the risk vs. benefits for the use of thrombolytics for massive PE 4 - improve awareness to critical considerations and interventions post ROSC to ensure the best possible outcomes 5 - Rational and techniques for the use of push does pressors and push dose nitro in the emergency setting 6 - consider the history, theory and technique of damage control resuscitation for the critically injured patient 7 - decipher the role stroke severity plays in identifying large vessel occlusion 8 - improve awareness of genetic variability associated with increased susceptibility and potential outcomes for severe sepsis.
VBMC Nurses must also submit RTA
Knowledge Resources, Vassar Brothers Medical Center | 45 Reade Place, Poughkeepsie, NY 12601 | Library: 845.437.3121 | vbmclibrary@health-quest.org | CME Inquiries: 845.483.6013 |